Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Restful Web Services
Cedar Rose implements RESTful web services over HTTPS, with a JSON response, and thus, we can integrate with any web-based solution.
General RESTful Response Guide
• HTTP Code 200: Success
• HTTP Code 400: Business Error
• HTTP Code 500: Technical Error
JSON property names are case sensitive. Therefore, if the web service expects "Name", then "name" wouldn't be valid. See example:
{Name: "cedar rose"} // valid
{name: "cedar rose"} // not valid
JSON property string values are NOT case sensitive. See example:
{Name:"cedar rose"} is the same as {Name: "Cedar Rose"}
Responses & Errors
We use standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of a request to our API.
Successful requests to our API will have a 200 HTTP status code; the “status” and “content” key-value pairs will detail the status message and the content of the response.
{ "status": "success", "content": "... API response goes here ..." }
Unsuccessful requests to our API will have a non-200 HTTP status code and will contain "code", "message" and "status" fields. The "message" field will contain any further information about the unsuccessful request.
{ "code": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error", "status": "failure" }
Note that the message may have more details about the error.
For authentication, a username and password are required; if the client hasn’t been provided with one, please contact Cedar Rose.
During the login request, and in addition to the username and password, the request body should contain "grant_type=password".
After a successful login, the system will respond with an "access_token" which should be used in all other requests henceforth in the authorization header as Bearer token authentication.
Sandbox API:
Production API:
Login Request
• Method: POST
• Header: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
• Request Body (example):
• grant_type=password
• &username= username
• &password= password
Login Response (example)
• .expires: Mon, 15 Jun 22:00
• .issued: Mon, 15 Jun 13:00
• access_token: BfZPnuyPeZn8e-I…
• token_type: bearer
• userName: username
1. 200
- OK
The request was successful, and the response contains the expected data.
2. 203
- Non-Authoritative Information
The request was successful, but the returned information may be from a different source than the original server.
3. 400
- Bad Request
Errors that occur due to business logic not being satisfied or validated when making a request. These include:
• Across all endpoints where CountryId is required:
○ "CountryId is required"
• Across report endpoints when OrderId is not found:
○ "OrderId not found"
• When placing orders:
○ "UID is required for Download speed"
• Login:
○ "Username and/or password invalid"
• In Company/Search:
○ "Fuzzy Search Not Available for this Country"
○ "Name is required"
• When required parameters like OrderId, ProductId, etc., are 0:
○ "Parameter Value Invalid"
4. 401
- Unauthorized
The authorization was denied for the specific request.
5. 403
- Forbidden
The user attempted to access order details that do not belong to their account.
6. 417
- Expectation Failed
The server cannot meet the requirements of the Expect request-header field.
7. 500
- Internal Server Error
An error indicating that something went wrong on the server and it needs investigating. The message will be "Something went wrong!"
8. 503
- Service Unavailable
The authorization was denied for the specific request.
Orders API lets you search for a company/organization and place Credit Report Orders that can be retrieved when they are ready in either XML,JSON or PDF formats.
JSON Request Parameters:
SearchTypeId (required) | string | Defines search input, 0 = name , 4 = register number, 2 = address |
CountryID (required) | Integer | Country filter. |
Page (required) | Integer | Number of pages to return. Default value 1 |
PageSize (required) | Integer | Number of results in each page. Default value 10 |
Name | String | English name, Arabic name, or register number. Can contain % in the start, middle, and/or end. (required if SearchTypeId = 0) |
RegisterNumber | String | Company's registration number. Used when SearchTypeId = 4 |
IdTown | Integer | Identifier for the Town that can be used with the Company Name. (optional if SearchTypeId = 0) |
Town | String | Town name of company's primary address. Used when SearchTypeId = 2 |
POBox | String | POBox of company's primary address. Used when SearchTypeId = 2 |
Street | String | Street name of company's primary address. Used when SearchTypeId = 2 |
PostalCode | String | Postal code of company's primary address. Used when SearchTypeId = 2 |
FuzzySearch | bit | By default, FuzzySearch =1. Specify FuzzySearch = 0 to disable Fuzzy Search and retrieve exact match. Used when SearchTypeId = 0 |
Name | String | Company's name |
NameLocal | String | Name in local script |
UID | String | Country code + Cedar Rose reference number |
CommercialRegister | String | Company's registration number |
SubjectCountryId | Integer | Country identifier |
Country | String | Country name |
Town | String | Town name of company's primary address |
POBox | String | POBox of company's primary address |
Street | String | Street name of company's primary address |
Area | String | Area name of company's primary address |
PostalCode | String | Postal code of company's primary address |
AddressInfo | String | Additional address information |
UpdatedDate | String | Date when company information was last updated. Format yyyy-MM-dd |
Status | String | Active/Inactive status of company. NULL if status not available |
ReferenceNo | String | Company's reference number |
fuzzySearch | bit | 1 if the Search Result belongs to Fuzzy Search, 0 if the result doesn't belong to Fuzzy Search performed |
MatchingRate | decimal | Fuzzy Search score of Company Name that ranges between values (0.0 – 1.0) which is based on the input Company Name provided |
"SearchTypeId": "0",
"CountryID": 48,
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 10
JSON Response sample:
"NameLocal": "",
"UID": "CYC0344627",
"CommercialRegister": "12345",
"SubjectCountryID": 36,
"Country": "Cyprus",
"Town": "Limassol",
"AddressInfo": " Limassol",
"UpdatedDate": "2020-08-27",
"ReferenceNo": "34534534",
"TotalRecords": 1
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
Page | integer <int32> |
PageSize | integer <int32> |
CountryID | integer <int32> |
Name | string |
LocalName | string |
RegisterNumber | string |
SearchTypeId | string |
FuzzySearch | integer <int32> |
Town | string |
POBox | string |
Street | string |
PostalCode | string |
{- "Page": 0,
- "PageSize": 0,
- "CountryID": 0,
- "Name": "string",
- "LocalName": "string",
- "RegisterNumber": "string",
- "SearchTypeId": "string",
- "FuzzySearch": 0,
- "Town": "string",
- "POBox": "string",
- "Street": "string",
- "PostalCode": "string"
JSON Response sample:
"MainName": "Credit Rating",
"DateUpdated": "07/02/2025",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Trading Names",
"DateUpdated": "07/02/2025",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Legal Form",
"DateUpdated": "05/02/2025",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Country Overview",
"DateUpdated": "05/02/2025",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "CR Score",
"DateUpdated": "05/02/2025",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Auto Credit Rating",
"DateUpdated": "05/02/2025",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Group Structure",
"DateUpdated": "05/02/2025",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Date Registered",
"DateUpdated": "05/02/2025",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Name",
"DateUpdated": "05/02/2025",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Production Capacity",
"DateUpdated": "05/02/2025",
"IsAvailable": false
"MainName": "Short Name",
"DateUpdated": "05/02/2025",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Shareholders",
"DateUpdated": "03/02/2025",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Shareholders Shares",
"DateUpdated": "03/02/2025",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Employees",
"DateUpdated": "24/01/2025",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Capital",
"DateUpdated": "21/01/2025",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Financials",
"DateUpdated": "31/12/2024",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Managers",
"DateUpdated": "05/09/2024",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Premises",
"DateUpdated": "02/07/2024",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Addresses",
"DateUpdated": "17/04/2024",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Former Names",
"DateUpdated": "25/07/2022",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Affiliates",
"DateUpdated": "26/01/2022",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Activities",
"DateUpdated": "30/07/2021",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Status",
"DateUpdated": "19/08/2020",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Registers",
"DateUpdated": "15/07/2020",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Brands",
"DateUpdated": "15/07/2020",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Certifications",
"DateUpdated": "01/03/2018",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Clients",
"DateUpdated": "01/03/2018",
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "History",
"DateUpdated": null,
"IsAvailable": true
"MainName": "Investments",
"DateUpdated": null,
"IsAvailable": false
"MainName": "Trade Rate Stars",
"DateUpdated": null,
"IsAvailable": false
UID required | string |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Response sample:
"orderid": 1413189,
"statusCode": "200",
"message": "Success",
"jsonData": "{ REPORT DATA AS JSON }"
OrderId required | string |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Response sample:
"orderid": 1413189,
"statusCode": "200",
"message": "Success",
"pdfData": "base64 encoded PDF file"
OrderID required | integer <int32> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Request Parameters:
SubjectName (required*) | String | The available name of the company. Required to include either SubjectName. For Fresh investigation speeds (speedId = 1,3,4), SubjectName is required. |
ProductId (required) | String | serial number of the requested product (example: 284 is the serial number of Company Credit Report) |
SpeedId (required) | String | serial number of the requested Speed (example: 1 is the serial number of the regular speed) |
SubjectCountryID (required) | String | serial number of the Country of the order |
UID (required*) | String | serial number of the company (if available). Required to include either SubjectName or UID. For Download speeds (speedId = 2), UID is required. |
AdditionalInfo | String | additional info that you would like to include in your request |
SubjectDetails | String | available details about the company |
TradingName | String | available trading names of the company |
CustomerReference | String | could be your serial number or project ID or purchase number or just "0" |
Price | String | the price amount of the order, according to the product, speed, and country |
VAT | String | the VAT amount |
OrderId | String | Unique Identifier for the Order placed |
DueDate | String | the Due Date of the order, according to product, speed, country, holidays... |
UID | String | country code + Cedar Rose reference number |
Content | String (XML) | you will receive xml design separately according to the product |
"ProductId": "547",
"SpeedId": "2",
"SubjectCountryId": "9",
"UID": "BHC0057425",
"CustomerReference": "TEST"
JSON Response Sample:
"NameLocal": "",
"UID": "CYC0344627",
"CommercialRegister": "12345",
"SubjectCountryID": 36,
"Country": "Cyprus",
"Town": "Limassol",
"AddressInfo": " Limassol",
"UpdatedDate": "2020-08-27",
"ReferenceNo": "34534534",
"TotalRecords": 1
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
SubjectName | string |
UID | string |
ProductId | integer <int32> |
SpeedId | integer <int32> |
SubjectCountryID | integer <int32> |
IDATOM | integer <int32> |
AdditionalInfo | string |
SubjectDetails | string |
TradingName | string |
CustomerReference | string |
{- "SubjectName": "string",
- "UID": "string",
- "ProductId": 0,
- "SpeedId": 0,
- "SubjectCountryID": 0,
- "IDATOM": 0,
- "AdditionalInfo": "string",
- "SubjectDetails": "string",
- "TradingName": "string",
- "CustomerReference": "string"
JSON Request Parameters:
OrderId | Integer | Order Identifier |
FileTypeId | Integer | File Type identifier (refer Get File Types) |
File | .doc,.docx,.pdf,.jpg,.jpeg,.png | File to be uploaded associated with the order |
"Files": [
"ResponseCode": 3,
"FileName": "CR Identify Report.pdf",
"Message": "'CR Identify Report.pdf' exceeds maximum File Size."
"Message": "0 out of 1 files Uploaded Sucessfully"
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
OrderId required | string Order identifier |
FileTypeId required | string File type identifier |
File required | string <binary> File to upload |
JSON Response sample:
"Company": [
"ID": 20,
"Name": "Approved Electronic Copy of Commercial License"
"ID": 17,
"Name": "Certificate Copy of Change of name"
"ID": 18,
"Name": "Certificate Copy of Financials"
"ID": 1,
"Name": "Certified Copy of Articles of Association"
"ID": 2,
"Name": "Certified Copy of Certificate of Directors"
"ID": 3,
"Name": "Certified Copy of Certificate of Directors and Secretary"
"ID": 4,
"Name": "Certified Copy of Certificate of Good Standing"
"ID": 5,
"Name": "Certified Copy of Certificate of Incorporation"
"ID": 11,
"Name": "Certified Copy of Certificate of Particulars of Directors/shareholders"
"ID": 6,
"Name": "Certified Copy of Certificate of Registered Office Address"
"ID": 7,
"Name": "Certified Copy of Certificate of Share Capital"
"ID": 8,
"Name": "Certified Copy of Certificate of Shareholders"
"Name": "Certified Copy of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Membership"
"ID": 13,
"Name": "Certified Copy of Extract of Commercial Register"
"ID": 12,
"Name": "Certified Copy of Licence"
"ID": 9,
"Name": "Certified Copy of Memorandum of Articles and Associations"
"ID": 10,
"Name": "Certified Copy of Memorandum of Association"
"ID": 14,
"Name": "Copy of Filed Financial Statement or Annual Return"
"ID": 15,
"Name": "Copy of Published Financial Statement or Annual Return"
"Person": [
"ID": 1,
"Name": "Person File Upload"
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Response sample:
"Id": 73120,
"FileName": "ADIP-OM301_Step1_Count.txt",
"FileType": "Testing",
"FileTypeId": 1
"Id": 73121,
"FileName": "ADIP-OM301_Step1_Count.txt",
"FileType": "Testing",
"FileTypeId": 1
OrderId required | integer <int32> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
OrderId required | integer <int32> |
FileId required | integer <int32> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
[- {
- "Files": [
- {
- "ResponseCode": 0,
- "FileName": "string",
- "Message": "string"
], - "Message": "string"
Request Parameters:
ProductId | String | Product identifier |
SpeedId | String | Speed Identifier |
SubjectCountryId | String | Country Identifier |
amount | Decimal | Cost of order |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
SubjectName | string |
UID | string |
ProductId | integer <int32> |
SpeedId | integer <int32> |
SubjectCountryID | integer <int32> |
IDATOM | integer <int32> |
AdditionalInfo | string |
SubjectDetails | string |
TradingName | string |
CustomerReference | string |
{- "SubjectName": "string",
- "UID": "string",
- "ProductId": 0,
- "SpeedId": 0,
- "SubjectCountryID": 0,
- "IDATOM": 0,
- "AdditionalInfo": "string",
- "SubjectDetails": "string",
- "TradingName": "string",
- "CustomerReference": "string"
Request Parameters:
ProductId | String | Product identifier |
SpeedId | String | Speed Identifier |
SubjectCountryId | String | Last name |
UID | String | Country Identifier |
DueDate | String | Due date for report delivery. Date format dd/mm/yyyy |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
SubjectName | string |
UID | string |
ProductId | integer <int32> |
SpeedId | integer <int32> |
SubjectCountryID | integer <int32> |
IDATOM | integer <int32> |
AdditionalInfo | string |
SubjectDetails | string |
TradingName | string |
CustomerReference | string |
{- "SubjectName": "string",
- "UID": "string",
- "ProductId": 0,
- "SpeedId": 0,
- "SubjectCountryID": 0,
- "IDATOM": 0,
- "AdditionalInfo": "string",
- "SubjectDetails": "string",
- "TradingName": "string",
- "CustomerReference": "string"
JSON Response Parameters:
Status | Integer | |
Content | String | XML of the report |
DueDate | String | Due Date of the Order |
OrderID required | integer <int32> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
Thorough and reliable due diligence or Know Your Business (KYB) processes can often be lengthy and expensive, depending on multiple information sources and manual, paper-based interactions.
Cedar Rose KYB provides a solution to this problem, - fast-tracking due diligence procedures while at the same time ensuring high quality, reliable and up-to-date information verifying the legitimacy and registered status of any company you do business with.
JSON Request Parameters:
CountryID (required) | Integer | Country identifier |
name () | String | Entity name |
registerNumber () | String | Company registration number |
city | String | City of company’s primary address |
postalCode | String | Postal code of company’s primary address |
clientReference | String | Client reference number |
UID (*) | String | Unique Identifier of Company |
FuzzySearch | bit | By default, FuzzySearch =1 for all searches. Specify FuzzySearch=0 to disable Fuzzy Search and retrieve exact match. |
UID | String | Entity Unique identifier |
name | String | Entity name |
tradingName | String | Trade Name matching the Search Input name |
registerNumber | String | Entity registration number |
city | String | City of entity’s primary address |
address | String | Additional information for entity’s primary address |
postalCode | String | Postal code of entity’s primary address |
status | String | Entity’s status |
legalForm | String | Legal Type of the Company |
score | String | Entity’s score |
display | Integer | 1 (result displayed) OR 0 (result not displayed) |
IssueDate | String | Register’s Issue Date |
ExpiryDate | String | Register’s Expiry Date |
fuzzySearch | bit | 1 if the Search Result belongs to Fuzzy Search, 0 if the result doesn’t belong to Fuzzy Search performed |
"countryId": 69,
"registerNumber": "U63000MH2004PTC148761",
"city": "Mumbai City",
"postalCode": "400093",
"clientReference": "ref1234567",
"UID": "INC1020024374"
JSON Response sample:
"UID": null,
"searchId": 1325,
"nameWeight": 45,
"regNoWeight": 35,
"postalCodeWeight": 35,
"cityWeight": 11,
"minPercent": 80,
"maxRecords": 10,
"countryId": 69,
"registerNumber": "U1234567890",
"city": "Mumbai City",
"postalCode": "400090",
"clientReference": "ref1234567",
"userId": 486,
"searchDate": "2022-03-30 17:20:40",
"totalResults": 1,
"successful": 1,
"reduceBalance": null,
"price": null,
"vat": 0.0,
"currency": "EUR",
"subscriptionStartDate": "2021-06-01",
"subscriptionEndDate": "2022-08-30",
"subscriptionMonthStartDate": null,
"subscriptionMonthEndDate": null,
"currencyRate": null,
"searchResult": [
"UID": "INC1234567890",
"registerNumber": "U1234567890",
"city": "Mumbai City",
"address": "Postal Code : 400090, Street : Sample Apartments, City : Mumbai City",
"postalCode": "400090",
"status": "Active",
"legalForm": "",
"score": 99.0,
"display": 1,
"reduceBalance": null,
"price": null,
"vat": null,
"currency": null,
"subscriptionStartDate": null,
"subscriptionEndDate": null,
"subscriptionMonthStartDate": null,
"subscriptionMonthEndDate": null,
"currencyRate": null,
"crComplyHits": null,
"updatedDate": null
"crComply": null
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
searchId | integer <int32> |
countryId | integer <int32> |
name | string |
registerNumber | string |
city | string |
postalCode | string |
clientReference | string |
startDate | string <date-time> |
endDate | string <date-time> |
UID | string |
fuzzySearch | integer <int32> |
{- "searchId": 0,
- "countryId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "registerNumber": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "clientReference": "string",
- "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "UID": "string",
- "fuzzySearch": 0
After performing KYB Search, the next step is to display an entity from the list of UIDs returned from the search. Please note that, KYB Search Results including only a single entity will automatically be displayed for that KYB SearchId. Displaying a company will return the values for Status,LegalForm, Issue Date and Expiry Date if they are available. Company from the pool of results in KYB Search can be displayed by:
• Appending searchId to URL. SearchId is the unique identifier in response from POST search.
• Appending UID for an entity returned in POST Search. UID is the unique identifier of an entity returned from POST Search searchResults.
JSON Response Parameters:
UID | String | Entity Unique identifier |
name | String | Entity name |
tradingName | String | Trade Name matching the Search Input name |
registerNumber | String | Entity registration number |
city | String | City of entity’s primary address |
address | String | Additional information for entity’s primary address |
postalCode | String | Postal code of entity’s primary address |
status | String | Entity’s status |
legalForm | String | Legal Type of the Company |
score | String | Entity’s score |
display | Integer | 1 (result displayed) OR 0 (result not displayed) |
IssueDate | String | Register’s Issue Date |
ExpiryDate | String | Register’s Expiry Date |
fuzzySearch | bit | 1 if the Search Result belongs to Fuzzy Search, 0 if the result doesn’t belong to Fuzzy Search performed |
"UID": null,
"searchId": 1073,
"nameWeight": 5,
"regNoWeight": 4,
"postalCodeWeight": 4,
"cityWeight": 2,
"minPercent": 1,
"maxRecords": 10,
"countryId": 69,
"registerNumber": "U63000MH2004PTC148761",
"city": "Mumbai City",
"postalCode": "400093",
"clientReference": "ref1234567",
"userId": 486,
"searchDate": "2021-05-05 08:23:19",
"totalResults": 1,
"successful": 1,
"reduceBalance": 1,
"price": null,
"vat": null,
"currency": "EUR",
"subscriptionStartDate": "2021-02-13",
"subscriptionEndDate": "2021-08-13",
"subscriptionMonthStartDate": "2021-04-12",
"subscriptionMonthEndDate": "2021-05-11",
"currencyRate": null,
"searchResult": [
"UID": "INC1020024322",
"registerNumber": "U63000MH2004PTC148761",
"city": "Mumbai City",
"address": "Postal Code : 400093, Street : Jayant Apartments, City : Mumbai City",
"postalCode": "400093",
"status": "Active",
"legalForm": "",
"score": 99.0,
"display": 1,
"reduceBalance": null,
"price": null,
"vat": null,
"currency": null,
"subscriptionStartDate": null,
"subscriptionEndDate": null,
"subscriptionMonthStartDate": null,
"subscriptionMonthEndDate": null,
"currencyRate": null,
"crComplyHits": null,
"updatedDate": null
"crComply": null
searchId required | integer <int32> |
UID required | string |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Response Parameters:
UID | String | Entity Unique identifier |
name | String | Entity name |
tradingName | String | Trade Name matching the Search Input name |
registerNumber | String | Entity registration number |
city | String | City of entity’s primary address |
address | String | Additional information for entity’s primary address |
postalCode | String | Postal code of entity’s primary address |
status | String | Entity’s status |
legalForm | String | Legal Type of the Company |
score | String | Entity’s score |
display | Integer | 1 (result displayed) OR 0 (result not displayed) |
IssueDate | String | Register’s Issue Date |
ExpiryDate | String | Register’s Expiry Date |
fuzzySearch | bit | 1 if the Search Result belongs to Fuzzy Search, 0 if the result doesn’t belong to Fuzzy Search performed |
"UID": null,
"searchId": 1325,
"nameWeight": 45,
"regNoWeight": 35,
"postalCodeWeight": 35,
"cityWeight": 11,
"minPercent": 80,
"maxRecords": 10,
"countryId": 69,
"registerNumber": "U1234567890",
"city": "Mumbai City",
"postalCode": "400090",
"clientReference": "ref1234567",
"userId": 486,
"searchDate": "2022-03-30 17:20:40",
"totalResults": 1,
"successful": 1,
"reduceBalance": null,
"price": null,
"vat": 0.0,
"currency": "EUR",
"subscriptionStartDate": "2021-06-01",
"subscriptionEndDate": "2022-08-30",
"subscriptionMonthStartDate": null,
"subscriptionMonthEndDate": null,
"currencyRate": null,
"searchResult": [
"UID": "INC1234567890",
"registerNumber": "U1234567890",
"city": "Mumbai City",
"address": "Postal Code : 400090, Street : Sample Apartments, City : Mumbai City",
"postalCode": "400090",
"status": "Active",
"legalForm": "",
"score": 99.0,
"display": 1,
"reduceBalance": null,
"price": null,
"vat": null,
"currency": null,
"subscriptionStartDate": null,
"subscriptionEndDate": null,
"subscriptionMonthStartDate": null,
"subscriptionMonthEndDate": null,
"currencyRate": null,
"crComplyHits": null,
"updatedDate": null
"crComply": null
searchId required | integer <int32> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Request sample:
"searchId": 111,
"countryId": 69,
"registerNumber": "",
"clientReference": "ref1234567",
"userId": 16337,
"startDate": "2021-04-25",
"endDate": "2021-04-30"
JSON Response sample:
"searchId": 111,
"country": "India",
"registerNumber": "U63000MH2004PTC148761",
"clientReference": "ref1234567",
"userId": 16337,
"searchDate": "4/30/2021 3:45:32 PM",
"totalResults": 1,
"displayedUIDs": "INC1020024374"
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
{ }
JSON Response sample:
"subscriptionStartDate": "2021-04-26",
"subscriptionEndDate": "2021-10-25",
"kybTotalBalance": 3540,
"currentMonthStartDate": "2021-04-25",
"currentMonthEndDate": "2021-05-25",
"currentMonthBalance": 540,
"crComplyBalance": 0
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Response Parameters :
nameWeight | Integer | Weight for name as per client’s settings |
regNoWeight | Integer | Weight for name as per client’s settings |
minPercent | Integer | Minimum threshold for matching and fetching results |
maxRecords | Integer | Maximum number of records per response |
postalCodeWeight | Integer | Weight for name as per client’s settings |
cityWeight | Integer | Weight for city as per client’s settings |
crComplyFuzziness | Integer | Defines the fuzziness for CR Comply searches. |
crComplyMonitor | Boolean | Defines if search will be monitored. |
crComplySources | Array | Defines CR Comply filters. |
"nameWeight": 50,
"regNoWeight": 40,
"minPercent": 80,
"maxRecords": 10,
"postalCodeWeight": 20,
"cityWeight": 10,
"crComplyFuzziness": 0,
"crComplyMonitor": 1,
"crComplySources": [
"xmlValue": "sanction"
"xmlValue": "warning"
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Request/Response Parameters:
nameWeight | Integer | Weight for name as per client’s settings |
regNoWeight | Integer | Weight for name as per client’s settings |
minPercent | Integer | Minimum threshold for matching and fetching results |
maxRecords | Integer | Maximum number of records per response |
postalCodeWeight | Integer | Weight for name as per client’s settings |
cityWeight | Integer | Weight for city as per client’s settings |
crComplyFuzziness | Integer | Defines the fuzziness for CR Comply searches. |
crComplyMonitor | Boolean | Defines if search will be monitored. |
crComplySources | Array | Defines CR Comply filters. |
"nameWeight": 50,
"regNoWeight": 40,
"minPercent": 80,
"maxRecords": 10,
"postalCodeWeight": 30,
"cityWeight": 10,
"crComplyFuzziness": 0,
"crComplyMonitor": 1,
"crComplySources": [
"xmlValue": "sanction"
"xmlValue": "warning"
JSON Response sample:
"nameWeight": 50,
"regNoWeight": 40,
"minPercent": 80,
"maxRecords": 10,
"postalCodeWeight": 30,
"cityWeight": 10,
"crComplyFuzziness": 0,
"crComplyMonitor": 1,
"crComplySources": [
"xmlValue": "sanction"
"xmlValue": "warning"
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
{ }
JSON Response Parameters:
searchId | Integer | KYB Search identifier |
name | String | Entity name |
UID | String | Entity Unique identifier |
registerNumber | String | Entity registration number |
"searchId": 111,
"uid": "INC1020024374"
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
{ }
JSON Response sample:
crComplyOrderId required | integer <int32> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
CR Identify verifies the identity of your customers, suppliers or hires instantly. CR Identify collects data from governments, business registers, mobile networks, utility companies and more to form a powerful, global database that delivers reports and eIDV fast, -so that you can make smart and informed business decisions quickly. TYPE OF SOURCES *Telco: Data from Telecommunication companies
Government: Data from Corporate Registers Records, Voters Lists, etc.
Consumer: Public Announcements, Utility Companies, Mortgages, University Records, etc.
Credit: Data collected from various financial institutions and Credit Bureau.
JSON Request Parameters:
FirstName | String | First name |
MiddleName | String | Middle name |
LastName | String | Last name |
UID | String | Person’s Unique Identifer |
YearOfbirth | Integer | Year of birth |
MonthOfBirth | Integer | Month of birth |
DayOfBirth | Integer | Day of birth |
IsFormer | Boolean | |
isExact | Boolean | Exact match |
LanguageId | Integer | |
IdentityNumber | String | Person’s ID number |
NationalityCountryId | Integer | CountryId of Person’s nationality |
FirstName | String | First name |
MiddleName | String | Middle name |
LastName | String | Last name |
UID | String | Person’s Unique Identifer |
YearOfbirth | Integer | Year of birth |
MonthOfBirth | Integer | Month of birth |
DayOfBirth | Integer | Day of birth |
IsFormer | Boolean | |
isExact | Boolean | Exact match |
LanguageId | Integer | |
IdentityNumber | String | Person’s ID number |
NationalityCountryId | Integer | CountryId of Person’s nationality |
"FirstName": "Nadine",
"LastName": "I",
"isExact": 0,
"LanguageId": 1
JSON Response sample:
"FirstName": "Jane",
"MiddleName": "Available",
"LastName": "Doe",
"UID": "ZZP01234567",
"YearOfbirth": "Not Available ",
"MonthOfBirth": "Not Available ",
"DayOfBirth": "Not Available ",
"isFormer": "Available",
"IdentityNumber": "Not Available "
"FirstName": "Jane",
"MiddleName": "Available",
"LastName": "Doe",
"UID": "LBP701234292",
"YearOfbirth": "Not Available ",
"MonthOfBirth": "Not Available ",
"DayOfBirth": "Not Available ",
"isFormer": "Available",
"IdentityNumber": "Not Available "
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
FirstName | string |
MiddleName | string |
LastName | string |
UID | string |
YearOfbirth | integer <int32> |
MonthOfBirth | integer <int32> |
DayOfBirth | integer <int32> |
isFormer | boolean |
isExact | boolean |
LanguageId | integer <int32> |
IdentityNumber | string |
NationalityCountryId | integer <int32> |
ReturnMessage | string |
{- "FirstName": "string",
- "MiddleName": "string",
- "LastName": "string",
- "UID": "string",
- "YearOfbirth": 0,
- "MonthOfBirth": 0,
- "DayOfBirth": 0,
- "isFormer": true,
- "isExact": true,
- "LanguageId": 0,
- "IdentityNumber": "string",
- "NationalityCountryId": 0,
- "ReturnMessage": "string"
• Authentication required
• All Request Fields are optional except Country.
• The field/s included in the client’s request and is/are specified as “Primary” = true, this or these fields will be used to search for the person through Cedar Rose database.
• If the person is found, the field/s included in the client’s request and are or is specified as "Primary"=false, this or these fields will be compared to correspondent fields of the found person in the Cedar Rose database and an evaluation will be included in the response.
• "Like" = true can be added to the request body to check if part of the object exists, if not added it will be false by default. “Like” does not apply to NationalId or BirthDate.
• Content-Type: application/json
• Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN_FROM_LOGIN}
JSON Request Parameters:
FirstName | String | |
LastName | String | |
MiddleName | String | |
MiddleName2 | String | |
MiddleName3 | String | |
MiddleName4 | String | |
NationalId | String | |
BirthDate | String | Format: Year-Month-Day |
CountryId (required) | Integer |
The web service will return 1 record having the best score, containing a list of all fields (in addition to the record score), and each field has the below format:
Name | String | |
Evaluation | String |
The Evaluation Options are Matching, Not Matching, Not Available, Not Received.
The following 2 options work for primary and non-primary fields: Matching, Not Received.
Not Matching: is only used for non-primary fields
In case the record was found according to primary fields, but a certain non-primary field was empty in our database, the field will return “Not Available” in the response.
JSON Request sample:
Point Source:
"CountryID": "93",
"Request": [
"Name": "FirstName",
"Value": "Nad",
"Primary": true,
"Like": true
"Name": "LastName",
"Value": "Ibrahim",
"Primary": true
Cascade 1x1:
"CountryID": "9",
"Request": [
"Name": "FirstName",
"Value": "Mashaal",
"Primary": true
"Name": "Birthdate",
"Value": "1981-12-17",
"Primary": true
JSON Response sample
Point Source:
"Name": "FirstName",
"Evaluation": "Not Matching"
"Name": "LastName",
"Evaluation": "Matching"
"Name": "Score",
"Evaluation": "15.00"
Cascade 1x1:
"Name": "FirstName",
"Evaluation": "Matching"
"Name": "Birthdate",
"Evaluation": "Matching"
"Name": "Score",
"Evaluation": "35.00"
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
FirstName | string |
MiddleName1 | string |
MiddleName2 | string |
MiddleName3 | string |
LastName | string |
NationalId | string |
Birthdate | string |
CivilRegNo | string |
RegTown | integer <int32> |
CountryId | integer <int32> |
advanceSearch | boolean |
MiddleName | string |
BirthDateDay | integer <int32> |
Lang | integer <int32> |
fullName | string |
birthDate | string |
surname | string |
name | string |
patronymic | string |
pNumber | string |
iNumber | string |
Phone | string |
Forename | string |
Surname | string |
DOB | string |
Array of objects (EIDVTRWhereDTO) |
{- "FirstName": "string",
- "MiddleName1": "string",
- "MiddleName2": "string",
- "MiddleName3": "string",
- "LastName": "string",
- "NationalId": "string",
- "Birthdate": "string",
- "CivilRegNo": "string",
- "RegTown": 0,
- "CountryId": 0,
- "advanceSearch": true,
- "MiddleName": "string",
- "BirthDateDay": 0,
- "Lang": 0,
- "fullName": "string",
- "birthDate": "string",
- "surname": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "patronymic": "string",
- "pNumber": "string",
- "iNumber": "string",
- "Phone": "string",
- "Forename": "string",
- "Surname": "string",
- "DOB": "string",
- "Request": [
- {
- "Name": "string",
- "Value": "string",
- "Primary": true,
- "Like": true,
- "Response": "string"
Search is performed only when recommended fields are provided.
“Source” is not applicable for Cascade Mode(cascade=1)
• Cascade=1: Cascade Mode
• Cascade=0: Point Source Mode
• Cascadetype=1: 1x1 Identity Verification
• Cascadetype=2: 2x2 Identity Verification
JSON Request sample:
Point Source:
"config": {
"cascade": 0,
"cascadetype": 1,
"source": "Hutchison"
"propertyfields": {
"firstName": "TOM",
"lastName": "CLARKE",
"middleName1": "CLARKE",
"fullName": "TOM CLARKE",
"dob": "1800-01-01",
"email": "",
"gender": "",
"state": "",
"requestId": "",
"building": "19",
"OfficeUnit": "19",
"street": "CASUARINA",
"fullAddress": "19 CASUARINA",
"city": "KILMORE",
"district": "KILMORE",
"postalCode": "3764",
"countryCode": "AT",
"nationalId": "",
"phone": "15555551212 "
Cascade 1x1:
"config": {
"cascade": 1,
"cascadetype": 1,
"source": ""
"propertyfields": {
"firstName": "TOM",
"lastName": "CLARKE",
"middleName1": "CLARKE",
"fullName": "TOM CLARKE",
"dob": "1800-01-01",
"email": "",
"gender": "",
"state": "",
"requestId": "",
"building": "19",
"OfficeUnit": "19",
"street": "CASUARINA",
"fullAddress": "19 CASUARINA",
"city": "KILMORE",
"district": "KILMORE",
"postalCode": "3764",
"countryCode": "AU",
"nationalId": "",
"phone": ""
Cascade 2x2:
"config": {
"cascade": 1,
"cascadetype": 2,
"source": ""
"propertyfields": {
"firstName": "TOM",
"lastName": "CLARKE",
"middleName1": "CLARKE",
"fullName": "TOM CLARKE",
"dob": "1800-01-01",
"email": "",
"gender": "",
"state": "",
"requestId": "",
"building": "19",
"OfficeUnit": "19",
"street": "CASUARINA",
"fullAddress": "19 CASUARINA",
"city": "KILMORE",
"district": "KILMORE",
"postalCode": "3764",
"countryCode": "AU",
"nationalId": "",
"phone": ""
JSON Response sample:
Point Source:
"results": {
"firstname": "Match",
"lastname": "Partial_Match",
"middlename1": "No_Data",
"fullname": "No_Data",
"dob": "Partial_Match",
"email": "No_Data",
"gender": "No_Data",
"state": "No_Data",
"building": "No_Data",
"officeunit": "No_Data",
"street": "No_Data",
"fulladdress": "Partial_Match",
"city": "No_Data",
"district": "No_Data",
"postalcode": "No_Data",
"countrycode": "No_Data",
"nationalid": "No_Data",
"phone": "No_Data"
"message": "200 OK"
Cascade 1x1:
"results": [
"Government": [
"firstname": "Match",
"lastname": "Match",
"middlename1": "No_Data",
"fullname": "Match",
"dob": "No_Match",
"building": "Match",
"officeunit": "No_Data",
"street": "Match",
"fulladdress": "Match",
"city": "Match",
"district": "No_Match",
"postalcode": "Match",
"nationalid": "No_Data_Provided",
"phone": "No_Data_Provided",
"email": "Not Avaliable",
"gender": "Not Avaliable",
"state": "Not Avaliable"
"Telco": [
"firstname": "Match",
"lastname": "Match",
"middlename1": "No_Data",
"fullname": "Match",
"dob": "No_Match",
"building": "Match",
"officeunit": "No_Data",
"street": "Match",
"fulladdress": "Match",
"city": "Match",
"district": "No_Match",
"postalcode": "Match",
"nationalid": "No_Data_Provided",
"phone": "No_Data_Provided",
"email": "Not Avaliable",
"gender": "Not Avaliable",
"state": "Not Avaliable"
"Telco": [
"firstname": "Match",
"lastname": "Match",
"middlename1": "No_Data",
"fullname": "Match",
"dob": "No_Match",
"building": "Match",
"officeunit": "No_Data",
"street": "Match",
"fulladdress": "Match",
"city": "Match",
"district": "No_Match",
"postalcode": "Match",
"nationalid": "No_Data_Provided",
"phone": "No_Data_Provided",
"email": "Not Avaliable",
"gender": "Not Avaliable",
"state": "Not Avaliable"
"message": "200 OK"
Cascade 2x2:
"results": [
"Government": [
"firstname": "Match",
"lastname": "Match",
"middlename1": "No_Data",
"fullname": "Match",
"dob": "No_Data",
"email": "No_Data_Provided",
"gender": "No_Data_Provided",
"state": "No_Data_Provided",
"building": "Match",
"officeunit": "No_Data",
"street": "Match",
"fulladdress": "Match",
"city": "Match",
"district": "No_Data",
"postalcode": "Match",
"nationalid": "No_Data_Provided",
"phone": "No_Data_Provided"
"Telco": [
"firstname": "Match",
"lastname": "Match",
"middlename1": "No_Data",
"fullname": "Match",
"dob": "No_Data",
"email": "No_Data_Provided",
"gender": "No_Data_Provided",
"state": "No_Data_Provided",
"building": "Match",
"officeunit": "No_Data",
"street": "Match",
"fulladdress": "Match",
"city": "Match",
"district": "No_Data",
"postalcode": "Match",
"nationalid": "No_Data_Provided",
"phone": "No_Data_Provided"
"Telco": [
"firstname": "Match",
"lastname": "Match",
"middlename1": "No_Data",
"fullname": "Match",
"dob": "No_Data",
"email": "No_Data_Provided",
"gender": "No_Data_Provided",
"state": "No_Data_Provided",
"building": "Match",
"officeunit": "No_Data",
"street": "Match",
"fulladdress": "Match",
"city": "Match",
"district": "No_Data",
"postalcode": "Match",
"nationalid": "No_Data_Provided",
"phone": "No_Data_Provided"
"message": "200 OK"
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
object (Config) | |
object (Propertyfields) |
{- "config": {
- "cascade": 0,
- "cascadetype": 0,
- "source": "string"
}, - "Propertyfields": {
- "firstname": "string",
- "lastname": "string",
- "middlename1": "string",
- "fullname": "string",
- "dob": "string",
- "building": "string",
- "officeunit": "string",
- "street": "string",
- "fulladdress": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "district": "string",
- "postalcode": "string",
- "countrycode": "string",
- "nationalid": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "gender": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "requestId": "string"
Used to retrieve Recommended, Required and Optional Fields based on “Mode Selection” and “CountryCode” and “Source”.
• Cascade=1: Cascade Mode
• Cascade=0: Point Source Mode
JSON Request Parameters:
cascade (required) | Integer | Mode selection |
countryCode | String | Country Code |
source | String | Data source |
JSON Request sample:
Point Source:
"cascade": 0,
"countryCode": "IN",
"source": "IN1"
Cascade 1x1:
"cascade": 1,
"countryCode": "IN",
"source": ""
JSON Response sample:
Point Source:
"results": {
"country": "India",
"countrycodename": "IN",
"source": "IN1",
"firstname": "Required_Field",
"lastname": "Required_Field",
"middlename1": "Recommended_Field",
"fullname": "Not_Recommended",
"dob": "Not_Recommended",
"building": "Not_Recommended",
"officeunit": "Not_Recommended",
"street": "Not_Recommended",
"fulladdress": "Recommended_Field",
"city": "Recommended_Field",
"district": "Not_Recommended",
"postalcode": "Recommended_Field",
"countrycode": "Required_Field",
"nationalid": "Not_Recommended",
"phone": "Not_Recommended",
"state": "Required_Field",
"email": "Not_Recommended",
"requestId": "Required_Field",
"gender": "Recommended_Field",
"idType": "0"
"message": "200 OK"
Cascade 1x1:
"results": {
"country": "India",
"countrycodename": "IN",
"firstname": "Required_Field",
"lastname": "Required_Field",
"middlename1": "Required_Field",
"fullname": "Required_Field",
"dob": "Required_Field",
"building": "Optional_Field",
"officeunit": "Optional_Field",
"street": "Optional_Field",
"fulladdress": "Optional_Field",
"city": "Optional_Field",
"district": "Optional_Field",
"postalcode": "Optional_Field",
"countrycode": "Required_Field",
"nationalid": "Required_Field",
"phone": "Optional_Field",
"state": "Optional_Field",
"email": "Optional_Field",
"gender": "Optional_Field"
"message": "200 OK"
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
cascade | integer <int32> |
countryCode | string |
source | string |
{- "cascade": 0,
- "countryCode": "string",
- "source": "string"
CR Comply is an automated all-in-one compliance screening tool to assess third-party risk levels and accelerate the customer on-boarding process. Uncover sanctioned entities, in PEPs (Politically Exposed Persons) and adverse media on companies and people.
The CR Comply API enables you to integrate your systems with our services to automate many of the functions available through the web user interface. Our API follows the REST convention and accepts and returns JSON data.
All API requests must be made over HTTPS; calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail - see the Authentication section for information on correctly authenticating calls to the CR Comply API.
assignee_id | Show searches assigned to a specific user |
searcher_id | Show searches performed by a specific user |
risk_level | Show searches where the risk level is one of the specified options: ('low', 'medium', 'high', 'unknown'). Use commas to separate multiple options, eg and risk_level=medium,high |
submitted_term | Show searches where the term is unsanitised and includes symbols and punctuation marks |
match_status | Show searches where the match_status is one of the specified options: ('no_match', 'false_positive', 'potential_match', 'true_positive', 'unknown', 'true_positive_approve', 'true_positive_reject'). Use commas to separate multiple options, eg and match_status=potential_match,true_positive |
search_term | Searches that match search term (3 characters min) |
created_at_from | Searches made from date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
created_at_to | Searches made to date (yyyy-mm-dd) |
tags | Searches registered against given tags, comma separated represented as 'name:value', eg 'internal_ref:1234' or internal_ref:1234,t_type:custom' |
client_ref | Show searches with the same client reference |
monitored | Searches with a specific monitored status, eg. suspended for suspended searches, un-suspended for actively monitored searches and false for searches which are not monitored |
sort_by | One of 'id', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'assignee_id', 'searcher_id' |
sort_dir | One of 'ASC, 'DESC' |
per_page | Number of searches to return per "page" (integer, max 100) |
page | Which page to fetch (integer) |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
The request should be a JSON object containing the following fields:
: stringfuzziness
: doublefilters
: objecttags
: objectshare_url
: integer
JSON Request sample:
"search_term": "A Bad Company Ltd",
"fuzziness": 0.6,
"filters": {
"types": [
"tags": {
"name": "value"
"share_url": 1
search_term (required) | String/Object | A string representing the name of the entity or an Object |
client_ref (optional, max 255 characters)) | String | Your reference for this person/entity for which you are searching. Used for tracking searches and auto-whitelisting recurring results |
search_profile (optional) | String | The identifier of a search profile (depending on the search profile this is either a slug or a profile id) that can be retrieved from the UI |
fuzziness (optional) | Float(0.0 to 1.0) | Determines how closely the returned results must match the supplied name. Overridden by exact_match |
offset (optional) | Integer(default 0) | Match results from the database, starting from the offset value |
limit (optional) | Integer(default 100, Max 100) | Match results from the database, taking up to this many matches each search |
filters (optional) | Object | Specify filters within the search to narrow down the results. These are specified below, and are all optional |
tags (optional) | Object | Object of name => value pairs (name must be string), must be existing tags |
filters (optional) | Object | Specify filters within the search to narrow down the results. These are specified below, and are all optional |
country_codes (optional) | Array of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 | Results are filtered by the entity nationality or country of residence |
exact_match (optional) | Boolean | Exact match disables all standard and optional matching behaviours 0% fuzziness disables 1 letter typo matching but keeps all other matching behaviours (standard and optional) |
types | Array of strings | One or more of: • sanction • warning • fitness-probity • pep • pep-class-1 • pep-class-2 • pep-class-3 • pep-class-4 Classic Adverse Media Taxonomy: • adverse-media • adverse-media-financial-crime • adverse-media-violent-crime • adverse-media-sexual-crime • adverse-media-terrorism • adverse-media-fraud • adverse-media-narcotics • adverse-media-general If you use FATF-aligned Adverse Media Taxonomy: • adverse-media-v2-property • adverse-media-v2-financial-aml-cft • adverse-media-v2-fraud-linked • adverse-media-v2-narcotics-aml-cft • adverse-media-v2-violence-aml-cft • adverse-media-v2-terrorism • adverse-media-v2-cybercrime • adverse-media-v2-general-aml-cft • adverse-media-v2-regulatory • adverse-media-v2-financial-difficulty • adverse-media-v2-violence-non-aml-cft • adverse-media-v2-other-financial • adverse-media-v2-other-serious • adverse-media-v2-other-minor |
birth_year | Integer | Year of birth, if known |
remove_deceased | "1" or "0" | A flag which when set, removes deceased people from search results |
country_codes | Array of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 strings | Results filtered by nationality or country of residence.Country code filtering applies to: • Entity of type PEP only • Entity of type PEP with Adverse Media • Entity that has 1 country value or more (only one must match) Country code filtering does not apply to (i.e. results will still appear regardless of the country filter): • Entity on sanction lists will always appear regardless of other status (PEP, Adverse media) • Entity that has adverse media mentions only • Entity that does not have a country assigned |
entity_type | entity_type String (one of):
• "person" • "company" • "organisation" • "vessel" • "aircraft" | Entity type filter is not a hard filter between different entity types. It only optimizes the matching logic to the relevant entity type.Matching: • Depending on the entity type, pre-fixes and suffixes will be processed differently to avoid false negatives ("Mr Robert Mugabe" matching "Robert Mugabe" for person, "Cimex Ltd" matching "Cimex" for company). • Equivalent names considered specifically for different entity types ("Robert" and "Bob" versus "Investment" and "Inversion"). • Initial matching between individual ("Carl W. Litsch") versus company acronyms ("KFC"). Optional: If missing, default rules and logic are applied. |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
id | Either the numeric search ID, or the search REF |
id required | integer <int64> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
id | Either the numeric search ID, or the search REF |
id required | integer <int64> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
id | Either the numeric search ID, or the search REF |
id required | integer <int64> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
id | Either the numeric search ID, or the search REF |
is_monitored | Boolean | Start on true and stop on false. For monitored searches, the original search will be updated with the latest results from monitor runs. |
id required | integer <int64> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
id | Either the numeric search ID, or the search REF |
date (optional) | The reference date (format: yyyy-mm-dd); if missing, the current day will be used |
id required | integer <int64> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
id | Either the numeric search ID, or the search REF |
match_status | String | One of 'unknown', 'no_match', 'potential_match', 'false_positive', 'true_positive', 'true_positive_approve', 'true_positive_reject' |
risk_level | String | One of 'low', 'medium', 'high', 'unknown' |
assignee_id | Integer | The ID of the user to whom the case should be assigned |
limit | Integer | The number of matches retrieved (max. 100) |
tags | Object | Object of name => value pairs ( name must be string ), must be existing tags |
id required | integer <int64> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
id | Either the numeric search ID, or the search REF |
entities | Array | Array of entity ids to be updated (list of strings) |
match_status | String | One of 'no_match', 'false_positive', 'potential_match', 'true_positive','unknown' |
risk_level | String | One of 'low', 'medium', 'high', 'unknown' |
is_whitelisted | Boolean | true or false |
id required | integer <int64> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
id | Either the numeric search ID, or the search REF |
id required | integer <int64> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
id | Either the numeric search ID, or the search REF |
comment | String | The comment that will be added |
entity_id | String | The entity id (required for adding comment on entity) |
id required | integer <int64> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
Fresh Investigations are placed when using speed 1, 3, or 4.
Content will be empty.
The order will be available by EOD on DueDate (Due date can be found in the response).
If the order is not ready, the response will show "Status": "0" and the content will be empty.
If the order is ready, the response will show "Status": "1" and the content will be the report content in XML format.
Retrieves the report in JSON format.
Retrieves the report as Base64 encoded PDF data.
Additionally, for ordering "Fresh Investigation" reports, you have two options:
Use our webhook, which must be configured beforehand. The webhook sends a request notifying about the Order Status along with an XML report of the placed order. This request is sent to an endpoint configured on your side to receive this notification from our system. The attached documentation provides more details about the flow and usage.
Or, place fresh investigations normally as outlined above. We would emulate the fresh investigation flow by manually pushing it through the system. In this case, we need to organize a testing session to perform the necessary manual actions for the Fresh Investigation flow. Note that, for the sandbox, we will not be updating any company information, but we will need to perform manual actions to push the Fresh Investigation order through the workflow.
Fresh Investigation Order Webhook is an automated request sent to a pre-configured Client Endpoint notifying about the Order Status and the XML report for a specific OrderId.
Webhook Overview
.Sample Webhook Request Following is a sample webhook request that will be received by the configured Client Endpoint. The format is JSON.
"Status": 5,
"OrderId": 1471964,
"Content": "
Please note: The system will not read the Response Received from the Configured Client Endpoint. The system will only check for the response HTTP Status code and proceed with the flow as mentioned above.
JSON Response Parameters:
ID | Integer | Country identifier |
Country | String | Country name |
"ID": 2,
"Country": "Afghanistan",
"CountryCode": "AF"
"ID": 473,
"Country": "Aland Islands",
"CountryCode": "AX"
"ID": 4,
"Country": "Albania",
"CountryCode": "AL"
"ID": 5,
"Country": "Algeria",
"CountryCode": "DZ"
"ID": 136,
"Country": "American Samoa",
"CountryCode": "AS"
"ID": 6,
"Country": "Andorra",
"CountryCode": "AD"
"ID": 7,
"Country": "Angola",
"CountryCode": "AO"
"ID": 171,
"Country": "Anguilla",
"CountryCode": "AI"
"ID": 360,
"Country": "Antarctica",
"CountryCode": "AQ"
"ID": 488,
"Country": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"CountryCode": "AG"
"ID": 10,
"Country": "Argentina",
"CountryCode": "AR"
"ID": 11,
"Country": "Armenia",
"CountryCode": "AM"
"ID": 172,
"Country": "Aruba",
"CountryCode": "AW"
"ID": 12,
"Country": "Australia",
"CountryCode": "AU"
"ID": 13,
"Country": "Austria",
"CountryCode": "AT"
"ID": 431,
"Country": "Azerbaijan",
"CountryCode": "AZ"
"ID": 15,
"Country": "Bahamas",
"CountryCode": "BS"
"ID": 16,
"Country": "Bahrain",
"CountryCode": "BH"
"ID": 17,
"Country": "Bangladesh",
"CountryCode": "BD"
"ID": 18,
"Country": "Barbados",
"CountryCode": "BB"
"ID": 485,
"Country": "Bashkortostan",
"CountryCode": "RU"
"ID": 456,
"Country": "Belarus",
"CountryCode": "BY"
"ID": 20,
"Country": "Belgium",
"CountryCode": "BE"
"ID": 21,
"Country": "Belize",
"CountryCode": "BZ"
"ID": 22,
"Country": "Benin",
"CountryCode": "BJ"
"ID": 71,
"Country": "Bermuda",
"CountryCode": "BM"
"ID": 23,
"Country": "Bhutan",
"CountryCode": "BT"
"ID": 432,
"Country": "Bolivia, (Plurinational State Of)",
"CountryCode": "BO"
"ID": 474,
"Country": "Bonaire, Saint Eustatius And Saba",
"CountryCode": "BQ"
"ID": 25,
"Country": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"CountryCode": "BA"
"ID": 176,
"Country": "Botswana",
"CountryCode": "BW"
"ID": 175,
"Country": "Bouvet Island",
"CountryCode": "BV"
"ID": 26,
"Country": "Brazil",
"CountryCode": "BR"
"ID": 366,
"Country": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
"CountryCode": "IO"
"ID": 468,
"Country": "Brunei Darussalam",
"CountryCode": "BN"
"ID": 27,
"Country": "Bulgaria",
"CountryCode": "BG"
"ID": 173,
"Country": "Burkina Faso",
"CountryCode": "BF"
"ID": 28,
"Country": "Burundi",
"CountryCode": "BI"
"ID": 197,
"Country": "Cambodia",
"CountryCode": "KH"
"ID": 30,
"Country": "Cameroon",
"CountryCode": "CM"
"ID": 31,
"Country": "Canada",
"CountryCode": "CA"
"ID": 433,
"Country": "Canary Islands",
"CountryCode": ""
"ID": 32,
"Country": "Cape Verde",
"CountryCode": "CV"
"ID": 72,
"Country": "Cayman Islands (the)",
"CountryCode": "KY"
"ID": 177,
"Country": "Central African Republic (the)",
"CountryCode": "CF"
"ID": 226,
"Country": "Chad",
"CountryCode": "TD"
"ID": 34,
"Country": "Chile",
"CountryCode": "CL"
"ID": 35,
"Country": "China",
"CountryCode": "CN"
"ID": 457,
"Country": "Christmas Island",
"CountryCode": "CX"
"ID": 73,
"Country": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"CountryCode": "CC"
"ID": 38,
"Country": "Colombia",
"CountryCode": "CO"
"ID": 199,
"Country": "Comoros (the)",
"CountryCode": "KM"
"ID": 470,
"Country": "Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) ",
"CountryCode": "CD"
"ID": 434,
"Country": "Congo (the)",
"CountryCode": "CG"
"ID": 178,
"Country": "Cook Islands (the)",
"CountryCode": "CK"
"ID": 42,
"Country": "Costa Rica",
"CountryCode": "CR"
"ID": 435,
"Country": "Côte d'Ivoire",
"CountryCode": "CI"
"ID": 43,
"Country": "Croatia",
"CountryCode": "HR"
"ID": 44,
"Country": "Cuba",
"CountryCode": "CU"
"ID": 451,
"Country": "Curacao",
"CountryCode": "CW"
"ID": 36,
"Country": "Cyprus",
"CountryCode": "CY"
"ID": 447,
"Country": "Cyprus, Northern (Occupied)",
"CountryCode": "CY"
"ID": 33,
"Country": "Czechia",
"CountryCode": "CZ"
"ID": 45,
"Country": "Denmark",
"CountryCode": "DK"
"ID": 180,
"Country": "Djibouti",
"CountryCode": "DJ"
"ID": 46,
"Country": "Dominica",
"CountryCode": "DM"
"ID": 130,
"Country": "Dominican Republic (the)",
"CountryCode": "DO"
"ID": 47,
"Country": "Ecuador",
"CountryCode": "EC"
"ID": 48,
"Country": "Egypt",
"CountryCode": "EG"
"ID": 225,
"Country": "El Salvador",
"CountryCode": "SV"
"ID": 189,
"Country": "Equatorial Guinea",
"CountryCode": "GQ"
"ID": 181,
"Country": "Eritrea",
"CountryCode": "ER"
"ID": 50,
"Country": "Estonia",
"CountryCode": "EE"
"ID": 291,
"Country": "Eswatini (Kingdom of, previously Swaziland)",
"CountryCode": "SZ"
"ID": 51,
"Country": "Ethiopia",
"CountryCode": "ET"
"ID": 74,
"Country": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
"CountryCode": "FK"
"ID": 184,
"Country": "Faroe Islands (the)",
"CountryCode": "FO"
"ID": 182,
"Country": "Fiji",
"CountryCode": "FJ"
"ID": 54,
"Country": "Finland",
"CountryCode": "FI"
"ID": 55,
"Country": "France",
"CountryCode": "FR"
"ID": 186,
"Country": "French Guiana",
"CountryCode": "GF"
"ID": 125,
"Country": "French Polynesia",
"CountryCode": "PF"
"ID": 56,
"Country": "Gabon",
"CountryCode": "GA"
"ID": 57,
"Country": "Gambia (the)",
"CountryCode": "GM"
"ID": 292,
"Country": "Georgia",
"CountryCode": "GE"
"ID": 58,
"Country": "Germany",
"CountryCode": "DE"
"ID": 187,
"Country": "Ghana",
"CountryCode": "GH"
"ID": 59,
"Country": "Gibraltar",
"CountryCode": "GI"
"ID": 60,
"Country": "Greece",
"CountryCode": "GR"
"ID": 364,
"Country": "Greenland",
"CountryCode": "GL"
"ID": 185,
"Country": "Grenada",
"CountryCode": "GD"
"ID": 188,
"Country": "Guadeloupe",
"CountryCode": "GP"
"ID": 191,
"Country": "Guam",
"CountryCode": "GU"
"ID": 62,
"Country": "Guatemala",
"CountryCode": "GT"
"ID": 455,
"Country": "Guernsey",
"CountryCode": "GG"
"ID": 63,
"Country": "Guinea",
"CountryCode": "GN"
"ID": 64,
"Country": "Guinea-Bissau",
"CountryCode": "GW"
"ID": 192,
"Country": "Guyana",
"CountryCode": "GY"
"ID": 194,
"Country": "Haiti",
"CountryCode": "HT"
"ID": 193,
"Country": "Heard and McDonald Islands",
"CountryCode": "HM"
"ID": 459,
"Country": "Holy See (Vatican City State)",
"CountryCode": "VA"
"ID": 65,
"Country": "Honduras",
"CountryCode": "HN"
"ID": 66,
"Country": "Hong Kong",
"CountryCode": "HK"
"ID": 160,
"Country": "Hungary",
"CountryCode": "HU"
"ID": 83,
"Country": "Iceland",
"CountryCode": "IS"
"ID": 69,
"Country": "India",
"CountryCode": "IN"
"ID": 70,
"Country": "Indonesia",
"CountryCode": "ID"
"ID": 81,
"Country": "Iran (Islamic Republic of)",
"CountryCode": "IR"
"ID": 80,
"Country": "Iraq",
"CountryCode": "IQ"
"ID": 82,
"Country": "Ireland",
"CountryCode": "IE"
"ID": 365,
"Country": "Isle of Man",
"CountryCode": "IM"
"ID": 84,
"Country": "Israel",
"CountryCode": "IL"
"ID": 85,
"Country": "Italy",
"CountryCode": "IT"
"ID": 195,
"Country": "Jamaica",
"CountryCode": "JM"
"ID": 87,
"Country": "Japan",
"CountryCode": "JP"
"ID": 454,
"Country": "Jersey",
"CountryCode": "JE"
"ID": 79,
"Country": "Jordan",
"CountryCode": "JO"
"ID": 88,
"Country": "Kazakhstan",
"CountryCode": "KZ"
"ID": 89,
"Country": "Kenya",
"CountryCode": "KE"
"ID": 198,
"Country": "Kiribati",
"CountryCode": "KI"
"ID": 475,
"Country": "Korea (the Democratic People's Republic Of)",
"CountryCode": "KP"
"ID": 436,
"Country": "Korea, (the Republic Of)",
"CountryCode": "KR"
"ID": 490,
"Country": "Kosovo",
"CountryCode": "XK"
"ID": 90,
"Country": "Kuwait",
"CountryCode": "KW"
"ID": 196,
"Country": "Kyrgyzstan",
"CountryCode": "KG"
"ID": 452,
"Country": "Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)",
"CountryCode": "LA"
"ID": 437,
"Country": "Latvia",
"CountryCode": "LV"
"ID": 93,
"Country": "Lebanon",
"CountryCode": "LB"
"ID": 460,
"Country": "Lesotho",
"CountryCode": "LS"
"ID": 94,
"Country": "Liberia",
"CountryCode": "LR"
"ID": 438,
"Country": "Libya",
"CountryCode": "LY"
"ID": 96,
"Country": "Liechtenstein",
"CountryCode": "LI"
"ID": 97,
"Country": "Lithuania",
"CountryCode": "LT"
"ID": 98,
"Country": "Luxembourg",
"CountryCode": "LU"
"ID": 99,
"Country": "Macao",
"CountryCode": "MO"
"ID": 100,
"Country": "Macedonia (the Former Yugoslav Republic of)",
"CountryCode": "MK"
"ID": 101,
"Country": "Madagascar",
"CountryCode": "MG"
"ID": 209,
"Country": "Malawi",
"CountryCode": "MW"
"ID": 102,
"Country": "Malaysia",
"CountryCode": "MY"
"ID": 208,
"Country": "Maldives",
"CountryCode": "MV"
"ID": 103,
"Country": "Mali",
"CountryCode": "ML"
"ID": 104,
"Country": "Malta",
"CountryCode": "MT"
"ID": 461,
"Country": "Marshall Islands (the)",
"CountryCode": "MH"
"ID": 205,
"Country": "Martinique",
"CountryCode": "MQ"
"ID": 107,
"Country": "Mauritania",
"CountryCode": "MR"
"ID": 207,
"Country": "Mauritius",
"CountryCode": "MU"
"ID": 237,
"Country": "Mayotte",
"CountryCode": "YT"
"ID": 108,
"Country": "Mexico",
"CountryCode": "MX"
"ID": 183,
"Country": "Micronesia (Federated States of)",
"CountryCode": "FM"
"ID": 109,
"Country": "Moldova (the Republic of)",
"CountryCode": "MD"
"ID": 110,
"Country": "Monaco",
"CountryCode": "MC"
"ID": 203,
"Country": "Mongolia",
"CountryCode": "MN"
"ID": 477,
"Country": "Montenegro",
"CountryCode": "ME"
"ID": 206,
"Country": "Montserrat",
"CountryCode": "MS"
"ID": 106,
"Country": "Morocco",
"CountryCode": "MA"
"ID": 111,
"Country": "Mozambique",
"CountryCode": "MZ"
"ID": 439,
"Country": "Myanmar (formerly Burma)",
"CountryCode": "MM"
"ID": 210,
"Country": "Namibia",
"CountryCode": "NA"
"ID": 214,
"Country": "Nauru",
"CountryCode": "NR"
"ID": 213,
"Country": "Nepal",
"CountryCode": "NP"
"ID": 118,
"Country": "Netherlands (the)",
"CountryCode": "NL"
"ID": 211,
"Country": "New Caledonia",
"CountryCode": "NC"
"ID": 117,
"Country": "New Zealand",
"CountryCode": "NZ"
"ID": 112,
"Country": "Nicaragua",
"CountryCode": "NI"
"ID": 113,
"Country": "Niger (the)",
"CountryCode": "NE"
"ID": 114,
"Country": "Nigeria",
"CountryCode": "NG"
"ID": 115,
"Country": "Niue",
"CountryCode": "NU"
"ID": 212,
"Country": "Norfolk Island",
"CountryCode": "NF"
"ID": 204,
"Country": "Northern Mariana Islands (the)",
"CountryCode": "MP"
"ID": 116,
"Country": "Norway",
"CountryCode": "NO"
"ID": 119,
"Country": "Oman",
"CountryCode": "OM"
"ID": 120,
"Country": "Pakistan",
"CountryCode": "PK"
"ID": 218,
"Country": "Palau",
"CountryCode": "PW"
"ID": 440,
"Country": "Palestine, State of",
"CountryCode": "PS"
"ID": 122,
"Country": "Panama",
"CountryCode": "PA"
"ID": 215,
"Country": "Papua New Guinea",
"CountryCode": "PG"
"ID": 123,
"Country": "Paraguay",
"CountryCode": "PY"
"ID": 124,
"Country": "Peru",
"CountryCode": "PE"
"ID": 53,
"Country": "Philippines (the)",
"CountryCode": "PH"
"ID": 462,
"Country": "Pitcairn Island",
"CountryCode": "PN"
"ID": 126,
"Country": "Poland",
"CountryCode": "PL"
"ID": 127,
"Country": "Portugal",
"CountryCode": "PT"
"ID": 217,
"Country": "Puerto Rico",
"CountryCode": "PR"
"ID": 128,
"Country": "Qatar",
"CountryCode": "QA"
"ID": 443,
"Country": "Réunion",
"CountryCode": "RE"
"ID": 131,
"Country": "Romania",
"CountryCode": "RO"
"ID": 132,
"Country": "Russian Federation",
"CountryCode": "RU"
"ID": 133,
"Country": "Rwanda",
"CountryCode": "RW"
"ID": 476,
"Country": "Saint Barthelemy",
"CountryCode": "BL"
"ID": 220,
"Country": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
"CountryCode": "SH"
"ID": 200,
"Country": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"CountryCode": "KN"
"ID": 201,
"Country": "Saint Lucia",
"CountryCode": "LC"
"ID": 445,
"Country": "Saint Martin",
"CountryCode": "MF"
"ID": 216,
"Country": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"CountryCode": "PM"
"ID": 487,
"Country": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"CountryCode": "VC"
"ID": 137,
"Country": "San Marino",
"CountryCode": "SM"
"ID": 224,
"Country": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"CountryCode": "ST"
"ID": 9,
"Country": "Saudi Arabia",
"CountryCode": "SA"
"ID": 138,
"Country": "Senegal",
"CountryCode": "SN"
"ID": 469,
"Country": "Serbia",
"CountryCode": "RS"
"ID": 140,
"Country": "Seychelles",
"CountryCode": "SC"
"ID": 222,
"Country": "Sierra Leone",
"CountryCode": "SL"
"ID": 141,
"Country": "Singapore",
"CountryCode": "SG"
"ID": 471,
"Country": "Sint Maarten",
"CountryCode": "SX"
"ID": 444,
"Country": "Slovakia",
"CountryCode": "SK"
"ID": 143,
"Country": "Slovenia",
"CountryCode": "SI"
"ID": 219,
"Country": "Solomon Islands",
"CountryCode": "SB"
"ID": 144,
"Country": "Somalia",
"CountryCode": "SO"
"ID": 3,
"Country": "South Africa",
"CountryCode": "ZA"
"ID": 190,
"Country": "South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands",
"CountryCode": "GS"
"ID": 478,
"Country": "South Sudan",
"CountryCode": "SS"
"ID": 145,
"Country": "Spain",
"CountryCode": "ES"
"ID": 146,
"Country": "Sri Lanka",
"CountryCode": "LK"
"ID": 147,
"Country": "Sudan (the)",
"CountryCode": "SD"
"ID": 223,
"Country": "Suriname",
"CountryCode": "SR"
"ID": 221,
"Country": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands",
"CountryCode": "SJ"
"ID": 148,
"Country": "Sweden",
"CountryCode": "SE"
"ID": 149,
"Country": "Switzerland",
"CountryCode": "CH"
"ID": 446,
"Country": "Syrian Arab Republic",
"CountryCode": "SY"
"ID": 151,
"Country": "Taiwan (Province of China)",
"CountryCode": "TW"
"ID": 464,
"Country": "Tajikistan",
"CountryCode": "TJ"
"ID": 152,
"Country": "Tanzania, United Republic Of",
"CountryCode": "TZ"
"ID": 153,
"Country": "Thailand",
"CountryCode": "TH"
"ID": 458,
"Country": "Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of",
"CountryCode": "TL"
"ID": 154,
"Country": "Togo",
"CountryCode": "TG"
"ID": 227,
"Country": "Tokelau",
"CountryCode": "TK"
"ID": 155,
"Country": "Tonga",
"CountryCode": "TO"
"ID": 229,
"Country": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"CountryCode": "TT"
"ID": 156,
"Country": "Tunisia",
"CountryCode": "TN"
"ID": 157,
"Country": "Turkey",
"CountryCode": "TR"
"ID": 158,
"Country": "Turkmenistan",
"CountryCode": "TM"
"ID": 67,
"Country": "Turks and Caicos Islands (the)",
"CountryCode": "TC"
"ID": 466,
"Country": "Tuvalu",
"CountryCode": "TV"
"ID": 231,
"Country": "Uganda",
"CountryCode": "UG"
"ID": 159,
"Country": "Ukraine",
"CountryCode": "UA"
"ID": 49,
"Country": "United Arab Emirates (the)",
"CountryCode": "AE"
"ID": 105,
"Country": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)",
"CountryCode": "GB"
"ID": 467,
"Country": "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
"CountryCode": "UM"
"ID": 134,
"Country": "United States of America (the)",
"CountryCode": "US"
"ID": 161,
"Country": "Uruguay",
"CountryCode": "UY"
"ID": 162,
"Country": "Uzbekistan",
"CountryCode": "UZ"
"ID": 235,
"Country": "Vanuatu,Republic of",
"CountryCode": "VU"
"ID": 448,
"Country": "Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic Of)",
"CountryCode": "VE"
"ID": 449,
"Country": "Viet Nam",
"CountryCode": "VN"
"ID": 453,
"Country": "Virgin Islands (British)",
"CountryCode": "VG"
"ID": 450,
"Country": "Virgin Islands (U.S.)",
"CountryCode": "VI"
"ID": 236,
"Country": "Wallis and Futuna",
"CountryCode": "WF"
"ID": 135,
"Country": "Western Sahara",
"CountryCode": "EH"
"ID": 377,
"Country": "Western Samoa",
"CountryCode": "WS"
"ID": 165,
"Country": "Yemen",
"CountryCode": "YE"
"ID": 167,
"Country": "Zambia",
"CountryCode": "ZM"
"ID": 168,
"Country": "Zimbabwe",
"CountryCode": "ZW"
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Response Parameters:
ID | Integer | Town identifier |
Town | String | Town name |
"ID": 109706,
"Town": "Abu Dhabi"
"ID": 109705,
"Town": "Ajman"
"ID": 109717,
"Town": "Al Ain"
"ID": 109720,
"Town": "Dubai"
"ID": 109715,
"Town": "Fujairah"
"ID": 109719,
"Town": "Ras Al Khaimah"
"ID": 109718,
"Town": "Sharjah"
"ID": 109709,
"Town": "Um Al Quwain"
idCountry required | integer <int32> |
idCountryRegion required | integer <int32> |
idDistrict required | integer <int32> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Request Parameters:
ID | Integer | Register identifier |
Name | String | Register name |
CountryID required | integer <int32> |
IDOrganisation required | integer <int32> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Response Parameters:
ID | Integer | Legal form identifier |
CountryID | Integer | Country identifier |
Name | String | Legal form name |
CountryID required | integer <int32> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Response Parameters:
ID | Integer | Product category identifier |
Name | String | Product’s category name |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Response Parameters:
ID | Integer | Product identifier |
Name | String | Product name |
CategoryId required | integer <int32> |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
• Requires authentication
• Append parameters to URL: UID (string, required)
• Example:
JSON Response sample:
"UID": "AEC48633090",
"Availability": [
"ProductID": 284,
"ProductName": "Company Credit Report",
"SpeedsAvailableforOrder": "1,2,3,4"
UID required | string |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Response Parameters:
ID | Integer | Speed identifier |
Name | String | Speed name |
"UID": "AEC48633090",
"Availability": [
"ProductID": 284,
"ProductName": "Company Credit Report",
"SpeedsAvailableforOrder": "1,2,3,4"
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Response Parameters:
ID | Integer | Identifier of the Order Status |
Status | String | Name of the Order Status |
StatusDescription | String | Description of the Order Status |
"ID": 1,
"Status": "New",
"StatusDescription": "A new order has been placed, typically in cases requiring a fresh investigation rather than real-time access (for Speeds other than download)."
"ID": 2,
"Status": "Assigned",
"StatusDescription": "The order has been assigned to Cedar Rose, typically in cases requiring a fresh investigation rather than real-time access for (Speeds other than download)."
"ID": 5,
"Status": "Sent",
"StatusDescription": "The record has been delivered as an API response."
"ID": 16,
"Status": "Deleted",
"StatusDescription": "The request has been deleted through client request."
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
[- {
- "ID": 0,
- "Status": "string",
- "StatusDescription": "string"
Request Parameters:
string | Email Address tor receive | required | string |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Request Parameters:
Username | string | Username of the account |
ResetToken | String | Reset Token received to the email address via Get Reset Password Token endpoint |
newPassword | String | New Password |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
UserName required | string |
ResetToken required | string |
NewPassword required | string [ 6 .. 100 ] characters |
{- "UserName": "string",
- "ResetToken": "string",
- "NewPassword": "string"
JSON Response Paremeters:
AccountBalance | String | Current account balance |
Discount | String | Discount for client in percentage |
DownloadBalance | String | Free download balance |
CurrencyID | String | Client preferred currency identifier |
CurrencySymbol | String | Client preferred currency symbol |
CurrencyName | String | Client preferred currency name |
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |
JSON Response Example:
"Id": 1413189,
"ProductId": 284,
"Product": "Company Credit Report",
"StProductType": "Company",
"ProductType": 1,
"OrderDate": "30/03/2022",
"Invoiced": false,
"SpeedId": 2,
"Speed": "Download",
"StatusId": 5,
"Status": "Sent",
"IDATOM": 13261149,
"UserId": 0,
"InvoiceId": null,
"MonitorId": 0,
"Username": "admin.mohamed",
"UID": "EGC0344627",
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": null
"Id": 1413188,
"ProductId": 284,
"Product": "Company Credit Report",
"StProductType": "Company",
"ProductType": 1,
"OrderDate": "30/03/2022",
"Invoiced": false,
"SpeedId": 2,
"Speed": "Download",
"StatusId": 5,
"Status": "Sent",
"IDATOM": 13261149,
"UserId": 0,
"InvoiceId": null,
"MonitorId": 0,
"Username": "admin.mohamed",
"UID": "EGC0344627",
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": null
"Id": 1413187,
"ProductId": 284,
"Product": "Company Credit Report",
"StProductType": "Company",
"ProductType": 1,
"OrderDate": "30/03/2022",
"Invoiced": false,
"SpeedId": 2,
"Speed": "Download",
"StatusId": 5,
"Status": "Sent",
"IDATOM": 13261149,
"UserId": 0,
"InvoiceId": null,
"MonitorId": 0,
"Username": "admin.mohamed",
"UID": "EGC0344627",
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": null
Authorization required | string Default: mPl_X6mXlVfnuXEPZcBOvaNVQgVHMJS7gIWmsKQ-bU5gx5CBU9uD18U4dl1_DpC4GgoEihHNDQ Bearer token |